Monday, December 27, 2010


Another Christmas has come and gone. Again the magic of Santa has filled my head and heart - I find each year there are presents under the tree that I either have no idea how they got there or that I have no idea how we afforded to get them. God always provides, but it seems like a magical presence of Santa. Once again we were blessed to have both kids home - I don't know how long it will be like that, but I know the time is dwindling. As they get older and have job responsibilities, the time home has grown smaller; I know when they have families, this time will change once more. I have relished, absolutely immersed myself in the enjoyment of their company, the sound of laughter, and the joy expressed through smiles on their faces. I do love my family! I have been overcome with heartfelt thanks that my husband has had some time off and been here to enjoy the memories made this year. It is the simple ability to provide and the time to be together that has made this Christmas so wonderful - the gift of love surrounding our table and sitting together in each room. I am so thankful, and I know it all only possible through the greatest gift - the Christmas gift - and I feel so undeserving. Another Christmas has come and gone, and there is a joy I feel through the memories made that will linger as the magic for me this year.

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